Santa Cruz Neighbourhood - Seville (Spain)

Seville, Santa Cruz Neighbourhood Seville, Santa Cruz Neighbourhood Seville, Santa Cruz Neighbourhood
Seville, Santa Cruz Neighbourhood

It was the Jewish medieval neighbourhood. Its layout is a labyrinth of narrow streets and small squares.

Seville, Santa Cruz Neighbourhood

Below: on the left side Santa Cruz Square,
Cruces Square in the middle,
and the small square of Santa Marta on the right side.

Seville, Santa Cruz Square Seville, Cruces Square Seville, small square of Santa Marta
Seville, Santa Cruz Neighbourhood Seville, Santa Cruz Neighbourhood Seville, Santa Cruz Neighbourhood Seville, Santa Cruz Neighbourhood
Seville, Jewish neighbourhood's wall remains

Jewish neighbourhood's wall remains, and the San Jose del Carmen (las Teresas) convent from the 16th century.

Sevilla, convent of las Teresas

The church of Santa Cruz

Seville, Santa Cruz church Seville, Santa Cruz church

The church of Santa Maria la Blanca (16th century).

Seville, Santa Maria la Blanca church Seville, Santa Maria la Blanca church
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