The Paseo Colon - Seville, Spain

Seville, Paseo Colon

It is the name of the Guadalquivir's riverside between the Torre del Oro and the Triana's Bridge. It is a pleasant place to be in the summer because it's cooler in here. You can see beautiful sunsets, like the ones in the photographs, all over the year.

Seville, Paseo Colon
Seville, sunset over the Triana’s Bridge (Puente de Triana) Seville, sunset from the Paseo Colon Seville, sunset from the Paseo Colon Seville, sunset from the Paseo Colon Seville, Triana’s Bridge (Puente de Triana) Seville, sunset over the Triana’s Bridge (Puente de Triana)
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